Lead By Example to Boost Your Credibility

Focus On Your Actions, Not Just Your Words, To Boost Your Credibility

If you aim to inspire others to follow your lead, establishing credibility is paramount. Credibility acts as the cornerstone of trust, encouraging others to rally behind you as a leader. It is through credibility that you can effectively unite people around your visions, strategies, and objectives.

So, how does one cultivate credibility? Leading by example is a highly effective strategy for building and enhancing credibility. By leading by example, you immerse yourself in firsthand experiences, cultivating a profound understanding and knowledge that can only be gained through direct involvement.

Renowned leadership expert John C. Maxwell asserts that a leader is someone who "knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." While understanding the path is crucial, actively walking it to gain firsthand experience is what truly solidifies credibility. Only through personal experience can you effectively transform credibility into leadership, guiding others toward their own success.

Treat Your Career Like A Continuous Journey

In today's dynamic landscape, industries, functions, and roles are in a perpetual state of evolution. Failing to anticipate what lies ahead and map out a trajectory for advancement can result in being left behind. Maintaining a proactive stance within your field not only establishes you as a trailblazer but also garners support from your peers. Viewing your career as a journey rather than just a job fosters a forward-thinking mindset. This perspective equips you to tackle future challenges with readiness and empowers you to facilitate the progress of others.

Simply acquiring knowledge isn’t enough; true leadership entails leading by example and applying that knowledge in practical situations.
— John Fildes

Consistently Strengthen Your Expertise

The adage holds true: practice makes perfect. What's effective today might not guarantee success tomorrow, especially in our rapidly evolving digital landscape. Even mundane tasks and commonplace practices undergo transformations. Thus, it's crucial to continuously hone your skills and refine your craft. This ongoing pursuit not only deepens your understanding but also uncovers innovative methods to achieve exceptional results. Maintaining credibility demands a relentless commitment to expanding your knowledge and experience, ensuring that your guidance and leadership remain relevant in ever-changing contexts.

Build Complementary Skills

Early in my career, a mentor shared a crucial piece of advice with me: instead of randomly selecting new skills to develop, it's important to thoughtfully choose those that complement your existing skill set. By doing so, you not only expand your skill set but also strengthen your existing skills in related areas. For example, if you excel in public speaking, enhancing your visual presentation skills can amplify the impact of your messages. Similarly, if you're a skilled graphic designer, acquiring technological skills can open new opportunities to apply your craft. And if you're proficient in sales, improving your mathematical and financial skills can empower you to negotiate more effectively on the spot.

Embrace Humility and Support Others

People tend to recoil from arrogance and boasting. Instead of putting yourself on a pedestal, which can push others away, consider being both confident and humble. When you combine this with nurturing others by helping them learn and grow, you become someone others want to be around and learn from. Let your actions showcase your abilities and use your words to boost others' confidence and ambition.

Evaluate Your Success Through the Achievements of Others

A reliable method to gauge your credibility is by assessing the success of those you mentor and lead. If you notice a lack of mentees seeking your guidance or if those you mentor aren't achieving notable results, it's essential to reflect on your behavior and actions. Keep track of the number of individuals who depend on you for advice and support, as well as the level of success they achieve. A significant following of successful mentees serves as a strong indicator of your leadership prowess and credibility.

In Conclusion

Credibility serves as a cornerstone of effective leadership, requiring a blend of knowledge and hands-on experience. Simply acquiring knowledge isn't enough; true leadership entails leading by example and applying that knowledge in practical situations.

Approaching your career as a continuous journey helps maintain the right mindset for personal growth and development, both for yourself and those you lead. Continually strengthening your expertise ensures you remain a leader in your field, while developing complementary skills makes you more well-rounded. Remaining humble and supporting the development of others fosters trust and respect amongst your team.

Ultimately, the measure of your credibility lies not in titles or accolades, but in the impact you have on others and the success they achieve under your guidance.

About John Fildes

I grow the top line by connecting marketing to business strategy. By leveraging powerful positioning, content marketing, and client insights, I help organizations drive qualitative and quantitative results at scale.

I've built an amazing network of incredibly talented people over the years. What I've appreciated most is those who have invested in me, mentored me, and helped me become the talented professional I am today. I pay it forward by doing the same for other high performing professionals and entrepreneurs.

Learn More: Marketing Leader | Adept Entrepreneur | People Developer

All views are my own and not those of my current or prior employers.


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